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Adding Components

Icon LinkAdding components

Adding components in fuelup is often just a small PR to components.toml Icon Link in the repo, followed by a new release of fuelup.

Icon LinkContributing to components.toml

This section describes how you may add support for a binary within fuelup.

Icon LinkRequired interface

All fuelup components must implement the --version argument. fuelup uses this to display version information in its CLI. It should print the name of the executable and the full semver version number. For example:

$ forc-tx --version
forc-tx 0.44.1

Icon LinkBinary packaged natively in forc

This refers to binaries like forc-fmt that are added within the Sway repository.

In this scenario, fuelup will already automatically download the tar file from the Sway repository and unarchive all of them without discrimination. You will be able to use the executables, but certain features like fuelup show may not work until you add them to the components.toml Icon Link within the source code. fuelup reads from this TOML file to know which components are supported directly through itself, so this step is important. You may follow the PR adding forc-tx Icon Link as an example of how to add such a component.

Icon LinkBinary packaged outside of forc

This refers to standalone binaries like forc-wallet which have their own repositories.

In this case, fuelup will NOT download the tar file automatically since it does not know where to download it from. Currently, we do not support downloading and using arbitrary forc plugins and components, so information will have to be added to components.toml for fuelup to know how to handle these. You may follow the PR adding forc-wallet Icon Link as an example of how to add such a component.


name = "forc-wallet"
tarball_prefix = "forc-wallet"
is_plugin = true
executables = ["forc-wallet"]
repository_name = "forc-wallet"
targets = [ "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "aarch64-apple-darwin", "x86_64-apple-darwin" ]
publish = true

A short description of the keys you find above:


  • Name of the component/plugin.


  • Fuel binaries mostly conform to the format <name>-<version>-<target> for our tar files. tarball_prefix refers to the <name> part.


  • In most cases, the name of the component is the executable itself, but certain components like forc itself and forc-client may package multiple executables and therefore have different names.


  • The repo name that contains the releases.


  • A list of targets the component is released for.


  • Optional. This tells you if this component is a forc plugin.


  • Optional. Declares if the component is published as a standalone, or packaged with forc.